Criteria for Earning a Minnetonka Rugby Club Letter
The coaching staff believes our student athletes earning a letter should show evidence of commitment to the Rugby Club, and demonstrate proficiency in Rugby skills. The criteria are set up in order to encourage players to persevere towards earning a letter, and to ensure uniform decisions when determining awardees.
General Policies
Club members must be:
Respectful and supportive of their teammates and fellow players both on and off the field by abiding to the Player Code of Conduct
In good standing when the season ends.
Exhibit a positive attitude, commitment, and effort toward team goals.
Comply with Minnesota State High School league and Minnesota Youth Rugby rules during the Rugby season.
Players must actively participate in fundraising efforts.
Players must maintain themselves in good academic standing under both school and team rules.
All lettering decisions are at the discretion of the coaching staff. The head coach reserves the right to withhold letters from players who display conduct and attitudes detrimental to the club, regardless of participation.
Playing time Criteria
Attend, and arrive on time, for all matches, practices, etc. unless excused by the coach.
A player must play in at least 2/3 of all varsity scheduled games.
An athlete who would have qualified for a letter, had it not been for an injury is eligible to receive a letter.
Any player dedicating himself for 4 years of participation in Rugby, but does not meet playing time requirement will be issued a letter at the end of the season.
Managers need two years of service to letter. Only those who, in the judgment of the coaches, have made significant commitments of time and effort shall be awarded the letter.